300 Romanian mathematical challenges - Radu Gologan, editura Paralela 45

Producator: Paralela 45

Sectiune: Carti

Categorie: Manuale & Auxiliare scolare

Subcategorie: Culegeri Auxiliare

Cod produs: 49640

Id oferta: -

Disponibilitate: Indisponibil

Timp de livrare: Indisponibil

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Descrierea produsului:

300 Romanian mathematical challenges - Radu Gologan, editura Paralela 45: The book gathers some of the problems that have been proposed or selected for the Romanian mathematical competitions for the last two decades. The main areas of elementary mathematics are covered and a specific flavor is given by the interest the two authors share in inequalities. Complete solutions are offered, thus making the book extremely useful for high-school students preparing for mathematical competitions.

The webpage gazetamatematica.ro is mainly devoted to our beloved 120 year-old Gazeta Matematica, the main elementary journal for school mathematics in Romania which has been published constantly since 1895, even during the two world wars.

Radu Gologan
Romanian Mathematical Society

Caracteristici: Format - 240 x 170 mm; Nr. pagini - 160; Editie - Necartonata;

ISBN: 9789734722709

Editura: Paralela 45

Autor: Radu Gologan

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