Regaining Your Inner Power - Niculina Gheorghita, editura Studis

Producator: Studis

Sectiune: Carti in limba engleza

Categorie: Social Sciences

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Cod produs: 90733

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Disponibilitate: Indisponibil

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Regaining Your Inner Power - Niculina Gheorghita, editura Studis: Citeste interviul acordat de Niculina Gheorghita
When this blissful state occurs, you become one with the Kingdom of your Self. Have you ever lived this feeling of oneness, of becoming one with everything? Search around in your life; I think you have lived it the same way I have. I'll remind you that it is something extraordinary, magnificent, elevating your spirit, which makes you feel powerful as the master of your life.

Words are not enough to describe this feeling. When you reach this state, it's crystal clear that you have found your inner power. In that moment, you become the Sovereign, the master of yourself, the student, the teacher, the actor, the spectator. You finally love yourself because by doing so, you actually love God. There is no love greater than the love for the Holy and pure Self, for only out of this love can freedom be born. And freedom gives birth to happiness

Caracteristici: An aparitie - 2012; Format - 200 x 130 mm; Nr. pagini - 127; Editie - Necartonata;

ISBN: 9786065228412

Editura: Studis

Autor: Niculina Gheorghita

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