To the Edge of the World, editura Oxford Children's Books

Producator: Oxford Children's Books

Sectiune: Carti in limba engleza

Categorie: Children's Books

Subcategorie: General

Cod produs: 161951

Id oferta: -

Disponibilitate: Indisponibil

Timp de livrare: Indisponibil

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Descrierea produsului:

To the Edge of the World, editura Oxford Children's Books: Dealing with themes of courage, friendship and the fight for survival, }To The Edge Of The World{ tells the story of Jamie's attempt to reach the boat in time to stop his friend Mara sailing away, resulting in him staying on board and joining the voyage to St Kilda. The vivid evocations of nature and landscape that characterised Green's }The Wilderness War{ are abundant throughout.

Caracteristici: Data aparitie - 08032018;

Editura: Oxford Children's Books

Autor: Julia Green

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