Modern Coin Magic: 116 Coin Sleights and 236 Coin Tricks - J B Bobo, editura Dover Publications Inc


Sectiune: Carti in limba engleza

Categorie: Performing Arts

Subcategorie: Reference

Cod produs: 190736

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Disponibilitate: Indisponibil

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Descrierea produsului:

Modern Coin Magic: 116 Coin Sleights and 236 Coin Tricks - J B Bobo, editura Dover Publications Inc: When party guests request a few tricks, be prepared. Ask for a coin, and perform some of the tricks in this book. Because you will not have been aided by special stage apparatus, the results will be all the more astonishing. As tricks with coins are so readily improvised, they are among the most impressive forms of legerdemain.

This book is the most complete treatise ever written on sleight-of-hand coin conjuring. Celebrated magician J. B. Bobo has gathered here the best and most useful of all coin tricks -- not only his own, but those of some four dozen notable prestidigitators, including such greats as Robert-Houdin, Professer Hoffman, and - the greatest of all coin conjurers - T. Nelson Downs.

All the tested, traditional methods of coin magic are here. Bobo has added to these the best of the modern innovations, while eliminating all of the out-of-date and impractical sleights of his sources. You will learn all about palms, holds, flips, switches, change-over, steals, cuffing, sleeving, and other sleight-of-hand techniques; coin tricks requiring special devices are also included. The author guides how systematically from basic techniques, concealments, and vanishes, through integrated tricks, to complete routine acts (18 in all). His clear explanations are splendidly complemented by 510 of Nelson C. Hahne's crisp illustrations.

Sleight-of-hand magic has consistently earned the respect of professional magicians. If you are yet an amateur, this easy-to-follow manual - together with regular practice - is the surest route to professional-level competence. For professionals, this volume is a convenient encyclopedic reference that gathers in one place all the best coin magic from antiquity to modern times.

Caracteristici: An aparitie - 1982; Format - 210 x 150 mm; Nr. pagini - 367; Editie - Necartonata;


Autor: J B Bobo

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